Happy & Joyful Imbolc!


Imbolc the celebration marking the mid-point between winter and the arrival of spring. Here in NYC we’re still in for a few more official months of winter but the days are slowly getting longer and we await that slim window of beautiful weather known as “Spring”.

Holidays such as Imbolc are reminders of the importance of milestones and checkpoints.  Without them, everyday would simply blur together.  This goes for training too!  Without identifying markers (big and small) we risk losing perspective and mindless practice.

Mindless practice is when you’re just going through the motions: sure, you show up, do the warm ups, do the drills, but you’re not really present.  You’re not thinking about what you’re doing or why you’re doing it.  This is both a waste of time and could lead to potentially dangerous situations.

A helpful tool for accomplishing proper mindfulness is to define an active purpose for your training and start making a roadmap on how you can go about achieving your goals.  Giving yourself large goals to work towards as well as smaller moments to celebrate along that path is key to keeping you alert and determined.

Today, don’t forget to take a moment to celebrate this milestone towards better weather and we’ll see you in the Fechtschule

National Motivation & Inspiration Day


So we’ve somehow already reached the second day of January! It’s that time of year when we begin to evaluate how we want to spend the next twelve or so months at the Fechtschule. To help you out, we’re celebrating National Motivation & Inspiration Day! Whether you are new to swordplay or a seasoned student here’s some tips to help keep you on track to achieve your goals for the upcoming year:

Happy New Year!


It’s that time of year to celebrate the wins and reflect on the challenges of the past 12 months!  This is also an opportunity to contemplate how we want to move forward with our training and resolve to set goals for and make changes in our practice for the year to come.  Stay motivated, be safe, and we look forward to seeing everyone on the Fechtschule floor in 2025!

Don't forget to check out all the HEMA and Historical Fencing classes from Gotham Swords at gemac.club!