Hi all,
Since classes are cancelled tonight, I will be doing a live Ask Me Anything [Preferably Sword Related] tonight at 7pm for all the HEMA folks. More information on that ASAP.
Five things you can do right now to train, with limited space and low ceilings:
1) Practice breathing2) Footwork, footwork, footwork.
3) Grab a wooden spoon and practice your cuts, focus on your grip, posture, and using your core, maybe even some step-and-then-cut movements.
4) Radio Taiso Workout !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrEH5JLljDI
5) Read some sources!
We're all in it together,
All classes and events are cancelled through this Sunday 3/22.
All classes and events are cancelled through this Sunday, 3/22. Classes have been credited back to your account for future use. We will keep everyone posted as the situation evolves.
Keep an eye on this space for an exciting update on ways your can keep in fighting shape while we're closed!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@swordclassnyc.com or at 646.580.9532.
Keep an eye on this space for an exciting update on ways your can keep in fighting shape while we're closed!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@swordclassnyc.com or at 646.580.9532.