Reflection on Our First Post Covid-19 Class

We had our first in person class last night, a huge thank you to everyone who was able to make it out!  It felt amazing to train with my Comrades again.
I also want to thank everyone for a professional display of adhering to social distancing and wearing face-masks.  These are important tools in helping keep each other safe in these difficult times.

In terms of content, we focused on Longsword - reviewing the eight basic häwen and versetzen that are in the study guide I sent out over the Discord channel. Additionally, we dove into the first two basic lessons of Cut 1, and application of verhängen. A hand-out will be sent out in the near future.

On the technology side, I owe everyone who attempted to join class virtually an apology.  Our location had less than idea phone service and I wasn't able to broadcast the class live as I would have wanted.  In the future, I will do my best to record and upload the class later in the evening.  I know this isn't ideal for everyone, and I promise I'm working on a better solution.
For anyone who joined the group rattan order — we have your sticks!  Please come to class or contact us and we'll work out a way to get you the goodies.  The socks are still en route, and we'll have updates about that soon.

Overall, the class was a success, so stay tuned, we will be rolling out a plan for moving forward soon.
