Tonight is going to be an experiment.
With New York City entering Phase III of re-opening, group gatherings of up to 25 people are now allowed, as long as participants adhere to social distancing and mask / face coverings. So, for the first time in several months, our Longsword group is going to attempt a meet-up.
There will be strict adherence to both social distancing and face-coverings. No exceptions.
"But what about...?"
Let me stop you right there. No. Absolutely no exceptions.
Our home gym is closed, and we are meeting in public space. Remember that everything you say and do represents the group. When in doubt of how to respond to a situation please defer to the teacher.
Since we'll be outside, please remember to bring water (more than you think you'll need), sunscreen, and misc. medical supplies you might need.
Please remember that tonight is an experiment. It's going to be a long while before classes can fully return to normal and I'm working hard to figure out how to keep us all fencing while keeping ourselves safe in the time of Covid-19.
Finally - safety comes first.
While I miss fencing, it's not something I'm willing to risk my or my comrade's health or safety over. Adhere to the simple rules regarding social distancing, face coverings, clean and wash your hands, sanitize and disinfect your gear.
If you are sick or showing Covid-19 symptoms in the next seven days inform us immediately. Contact Peter Haas ( haaspeterj [at] gmail dot com or Discord at peterjhaas#7618 )
Your identity will remain secret, but we have to alert all members who might have come in contact with you and tell them to get tested. Additionally, by attending class you agree to allow your information to be shared with State and Federal officials / organizations for contact tracing.
I am delighted to see you all tonight, and getting back into the swing of weekly classes! (see what I did there?)